News and Press Releases

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Entando - Tuesday, November 14, 2023 - Press Release, Press Release
ReeVo ed Entando stringono un accordo per agevolare e accelerare lo sviluppo containerizzato

Gli utenti di Entando potranno concentrarsi solo sullo sviluppo: alla gestione dell’architettura IT e alla sicurezza pensa ReeVo.

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Sohini Pattanayak - Monday, May 29, 2023 -
Entando 7.2: The ultimate feature release

Entando 7.2: The ultimate feature release is here! Discover how Entando 7.2, introduces game-changing capabilities, including multitenancy support, and private catalogs in Entando Hub. With enhanced performance, security, and dependency improvements, Entando 7.2 is the most advanced version yet. Don't miss the opportunity to take your enterprise to new heights. Upgrade to Entando 7.2 today and unlock the full potential of modern application development.

Please read our blog to explore the exciting features and benefits of Entando 7.2.

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