Entando Platform 7.3 Introduces Streamlined Features and Innovative Capabilities for Enhanced Application Composition

Entando - jeudi 1 février 2024
Tags: News and Press, Press Release

San Diego, CA, 1st February 2024 - Entando, a leader of innovation in application composition platforms, is pleased to unveil version 7.3, with a variety of improvements that streamline the development process and elevate user experience.

In today's business environment, upgrading applications is a substantial strategic objective. The goal of this process is to create new business benefits from existing applications, an essential factor for all organizations undergoing a digital transformation. Shifting from outdated systems to modular and composable applications is a critical step in tackling the obstacles of digital transformations and keeping up with the rapid changes of the digital age.

In this latest release, Entando prioritized both innovation and improvements, focusing on advanced functionality and ease-of-use UX features.

UX Features

For microservices, an optimized method to manage resources has been introduced. Leveraging the v6 bundle descriptor, core specifications such as CPU, memory, and storage can be easily defined, with the Entando Operator ensuring these requirements in any environment. Resources for microservices can now be managed simply, without in-depth technical knowledge.

In the runtime environment, improvements have been made to ease communication between micro frontends (MFEs). These components can exchange data through mediator objects in the browser page, using common methods and a shared library.

The App Builder has been refined for a better user experience. Enhanced editing controls allow users to focus on specific pages or sections of an application, depending on their authorized role. Upon logging in, they will only see the application pages they have access to for an uncluttered and user-friendly experience.

The Entando CLI can now automatically transition bundles from the older v1 version to the upgraded docker-based bundle (v5) with a single command. The process is interactive and may require a few additional steps for more complex bundles.

Advanced Functionality

Multitenancy 2.0 gives all tenants expanded bundle and registry functionality. Allowing each tenant to access registries and install bundles independently enables tailored functionality, and ensures data privacy.

APISIX Gateway can now be utilized on Entando 7.3 for API management, a versatile tool to simplify the process with a single configuration. Developers will benefit from improved security, reduced complexity, and the ability to execute Identity and Access Management (IAM) functions.

ARM architecture support has been added. It broadens compatibility, enabling Entando to operate seamlessly on cloud ARM systems like Google GKE, Azure AKS, AWS EKS, and OpenShift. Support extends to Macs with non-Intel chips, ensuring that the development process is adaptable and cost-effective.


Entando Platform 7.3 represents another leap forward in making application development more accessible and user-friendly for businesses. It encourages leaders and organizations to explore new possibilities and embrace the evolving landscape of digital innovations. The latest release is now available, opening doors to a new era of creativity and collaboration.




CIO Alert - There is an Application Composition Platform in your Future

By Massimo Pezzini, Independent IT Advisor


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