News and Press Releases

Entando - mardi 21 avril 2020 - Technical
5 Projects Where Micro Frontends Are Useful

Micro frontends help you empower independent teams and innovate faster. Here are 5 kinds of projects that micro frontends help with.

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Entando - mardi 14 avril 2020 - Technical
How Micro Frontends Help You Improve UX

Micro frontends enable you to assemble teams with end-to-end control over an aspect of UX. And that flexibility will enable you to improve your UX. Here’s how.

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Entando - mardi 31 mars 2020 - Technical
What Micro Frontends Are & Why You Need Them

Micro frontends are changing the way enterprises are building applications, websites, and portals. Here’s a summary of what micro frontends are and why you might need them.

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Entando - mardi 17 mars 2020 - Technical
4 Resources To Help You Understand & Implement Micro Frontends

Micro frontends are changing the way organizations are thinking about frontend development for enterprise applications, websites, and portals. Here are 4 key resources to help you understand micro frontends and how to implement them in your enterprise.

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Entando - mardi 10 mars 2020 - Technical
How To Maintain UX Consistency While Leveraging Micro Frontends

A consistent experience is an intuitive experience. Here are 3 ways to maintain UX consistency while leveraging micro frontends.

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Entando - mardi 3 mars 2020 - Technical
7 Successful Apps Running On Kubernetes

As more organizations move to containerized deployments, Kubernetes has quickly become the industry standard for container orchestration. Here are 7 companies that have their apps running on Kubernetes.

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Entando - mardi 25 février 2020 - Technical
3 Steps To Automating Business Processes

Business process automation is an important part of making your organization more efficient and scalable.  Here are 3 key steps in automating your business processes.

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Entando - mardi 18 février 2020 - Technical
How To Standardize UX Across Your Organization

When a customer interacts with your brand online, you want them to have an experience that’s intuitive as well as distinctly “you.” Here are 3 ways to accomplish that.

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Entando - mardi 4 février 2020 - Technical
7 Successful Companies Using Micro Frontends

Micro frontends are an important tool that are enabling large businesses to provide customer experiences that continue to propel their brands forward. Here are 7 successful organizations using them.

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