
Update - Kubernetes support for Entando 6.3.2 and 7.0

martes, 12 de julio de 2022 - Entando

Entando’s policy is to support three active releases of Kubernetes. Support for each K8s release ends no sooner than three months after the official Kubernetes End of Life date to give our customers and partners time to upgrade their Kubernetes version. You can find the Kubernetes release timeline here:

The following is the current Entando timeline:

  • May 2022 - Entando 7.0 and 6.3.2 - support was added for K8s 1.22 via fixpacks 6.5.1 and 7.0.2, respectively.
  • August 2022 - Entando 7.0 and 6.3.2 - support will be added for K8s 1.23
  • October 2022 - Entando 7.0 and 6.3.2 - support will be added for K8s 1.24

Entando is always available for any support request at the following e-mail:

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