Press Release

Entando - giovedì 21 luglio 2022 - Case Study, Press Release
Il Comune di Cagliari ha scelto Entando

Un modello valido per tutta le PA.

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Update - Kubernetes support for Entando 6.3.2 and 7.0.png
Entando - martedì 12 luglio 2022 - Community
Aggiornamento - Supporto kubernetes per Entando 6.3.2 e 7.0

La policy di Entando prevede il supporto di tre versioni attive di kubernetes. Il supporto di ciascuna versione di K8s termina non prima di tre mesi dopo la data ufficiale di fine vita di Kubernetes per dare ai nostri clienti e partner il tempo di aggiornare la propria versione. Qui di seguito il cronoprogramma di Entando.

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Entando - venerdì 10 giugno 2022 - Press Release
Entando al Forum PA

L’evento italiano più importante per la Pubblica Amministrazione.

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What is the Entando Hub_.png
Sohini Pattanayak - mercoledì 15 giugno 2022 - Technical
What is the Entando Hub?

This is a mini-tutorial to help you understand what the Entando Hub is. Typically, it is a repository (local, remote, public, or private), that contains components. Not only that, it has several capabilities and features. To explore all of that, this blog is definitely a must-read!

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Create a Micro Frontend Using Vue.png
Anthony Viard - mercoledì 15 giugno 2022 - Technical
Using Vue.js to create a Micro Frontend

After learning how to create micro frontends with Angular and React, we’re jumping into another world with Vue.js. Remember, we’re trying to create a micro frontend using the web component specifications for each of the following frameworks: Angular, React, and Vue.js. Does Vue provide the best developer experience when creating a micro frontend social card? Let’s try it!

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Create a Micro Frontend Using React.png
Anthony Viard - martedì 3 maggio 2022 - Technical
Using React to create a Micro Frontend

Having discovered micro frontend creation with Angular, we jump into another world with React. Remember, I’m trying to create a micro frontend using the web component specifications foreach of the following frameworks: Angular, React, and Vue.js. Does React provide the best developer experience when creating a micro frontend social card? Let’s try it!

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ENTANDO_Entando Releases Version 7 for the Application Composition Platform Market_2 (1).png
Entando - martedì 26 aprile 2022 - Press Release
Entando Releases Version 7 for the Application Composition Platform Market

Accelerating Development, Lowering Runtime Costs, and Streamlining Security and Maintenance for Apps on Kubernetes

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ENTANDO_Entando Releases Version 7 for the Application Composition Platform Market_2 (1).png
Sohini Pattanayak - venerdì 22 aprile 2022 - Technical
Quali sono le novità della versione 7.0 di Entando?

Ecco cosa devi sapere su Entando 7! Abbiamo sviluppato alcuni interessanti aggiornamenti, funzionalità e correzioni. Scoprile leggendo il blog.

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Why is Technical Blogging so important_.png
Sohini Pattanayak - mercoledì 20 aprile 2022 - Technical
Why is Technical Blogging so important?

Technical Blogging is very important for developers of the current era. As it can not only help developers learn and grow but also help other people to learn new things from them. At the same time, documenting our learnings and experiences in the form of a blog is a very good practice while working as a developer in the IT industry. Through this blog, you'll figure out why it is so important to write technical blogs and also how you can get started with it.

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